Monday, 29 June 2009

Can your intranet save the world?

Perhaps not but your intranet can make a huge difference to your company. Maybe even the difference between a successful and a failed one.

Improving the bottom line
By making the most of your intranet you can increase the success of your company. A good intranet can improve your bottom line by making employees working lives easier by helping save time in their roles. For example, by providing quick access to information. There is usually plenty of scope for cost cutting and time saving. There is often less focus on creating value but the intranet can do this. For example, by providing the means for employees to share information and allowing them to work together to turn this into valuable knowledge.

Getting employees onside
An intranet can get employees more engaged and involved with your company and with what it is trying to achieve. Making the intranet fun and presenting corporate goals in an attractive way can help make employees more aware of the targets. If you then give them the opportunity to feedback and discuss your goals you'll create a dialogue between management and employees. Employees will not just feel part of the company but valued and involved in something exciting and purposeful.

Knowledgeable and engaged employees working towards a target are a powerful force. I'll be exploring these ideas in more details in future posts.


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