So how does it work? In the same way that youtube has videos at its centre and Flickr has photos, Foursquare has places. That is bricks and mortar establishments like cafes, restaurants, bars and train stations. Members of the service can share the places they have visited by ‘checking in’ using the app on their iPhone, BlackBerry or Android phones. As well as sharing with members of Foursquare you can also announce your check in on Facebook and Twitter. The service works by using GPS and is based around the mobile phone so you can’t check in via the Foursquare website. You can also view when and where your friends last checked in which is useful if you want to meet up or contact them.
Foursquare also has a game like element in that you can compete with other members and earn badges. For example, after visiting my local cinema on the 10th occasion I earned the Zoetrope badge. If you check into somewhere more than anyone else you become the Mayor of that location. So you might be thinking, ‘Big deal, who cares?’
Well, first of all it’s fun and addictive and secondly it’s really easy to use and only takes about 10 seconds to check in. So it’s likely that plenty of people are going to be taking part. The service has only been going a year and more than a million people are registered. If you’re an owner of a café, restaurant or bar then for ‘people’ read ‘customer’.
So how can it help you sell more cup cakes, beer etc. It’s a completely new marketing channel that can alert people to your premises and your offers and also reward regular customers. When opening Foursquare in your vicinity your potential customer will see your venue and be alerted to any special offers or news you have. So for example, if you are a café near a concert venue you could let people know you are open after the gig. Everytime someone checks into your premises you’ll get free publicity to all their followers on Twitter and friends on Foursquare and Facebook.
For regular customers you can offer rewards such as ‘check-in 5 times in a month and get a free coffee.’ Think of Foursquare as a digital coffee loyalty card and you’ll get the idea. Any variation on this sort of offer is possible. Why not reward people for visiting on what’s usually your quietest day?
Members can also leave reviews and comments which if positive can encourage others on Foursquare, Facebook and Twitter to visit and try out what your premises has to offer.
Having talked to several owners of pubs and cafes in Cheltenham recently, it’s interesting that Foursquare activity is going on based around their business yet they have all been completely unaware of it. Now that members are beginning to increase it’s time to take advantage.
So how can a business get involved? At the very least you should add your business to the list at so that potential customers are aware of you. You could also take advantage of the functionality that Foursquare has recently made available to businesses. This allows businesses to advertise promotions and to obtain data on their customers, for example, how many times people are visiting. See the business section at for more information. Once your company is listed you can post special promotions and provide customers with news and updates.
Like all social media, used in the right way Foursquare is a great way to engage with your customers.
Sounds interesting. I can definately see the value in FourSquare for a physical business. Almost makes me wish I had one:-)
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