Tag Archives: shares


5 tips to get more shares on Facebook

As explained in this post - 5 ways to encourage interaction on Facebook - it’s important to create posts that are liked, commented on and shared to maximise their impact. Of these, the most significant is sharing because a shared post is published directly onto a user’s Timeline. It’s visible both on the Timeline and in the News Feeds of friends so can receive plenty of views. Here are 5 tips to encourage sharing of your Facebook posts.

1) Use eye catching images - a quick look at your Facebook Insights will almost certainly show you that your most shared posts contain photos. So use eyecatching photos. For example, stunning professionally taken photos or images with quirky messages work well.

2) Ask for the share - don’t overdo it but ask your fans to share posts and photos and some of them will.

3) Run competitions - Set up a competition using Facebook apps then promote this on your Page by linking directly to the app. Here’s An example of a great Facebook competition.

4) Get with it - Be up to speed and tie your posts into current news and/or memes. Here’s an example from my Cheltenham Festival Preview Page.

5) Entertain - Make your audience, your fans, smile by amusing them. Here’s an example from the Sarah Townsend Editorial Page. Note that this is also an image (see Tip 1) and it’s perfectly aligned with the business - writing. editing and proofreading - that the Page represents.

If you have other examples or ideas for encouraging sharing on Facebook please post them in the Comments below.