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Business? - you need a Facebook Page

One advantage for a business having a Page on Facebook was illustrated in a recent Facebook conversation brought to my attention by @johnvdenley. It was a thread started with a post from a friend of John’s asking if anyone knew of a hairdresser and make-up artist for her wedding. I won’t link to the thread as I don’t have permission of all those concerned but in the conversation no less than 11 people and Business Pages were tagged and recommended.

People are requesting your goods and services on Facebook so it makes sense to be part of the conversation. One of many reasons why your business should have a Page if you don’t already have one.

I’ll be explaining the other reasons and showing how to set up a Facebook Page at my Facebook Masterclass on Wednesday 12 October in Cheltenham.


Twitter follow buttons now on LinkedIn profile

LinkedIn have introduced Follow buttons for those that have their Twitter handles on their profile. This makes it easy for those viewing your profile to also follow you on Twitter and for your to increase your audience. So it’s a good time to check that you’ve included your Twitter user name on your profile. To add go to Profile/Edit Profile. You’ll also need the Tweets app and authorise this with Twitter. To add this go to More/Get more applications and select Tweets.


Easy way to update your Facebook Page when mobile

Updating Facebook Pages when out and about is not easy and surprisingly it’s not possible via some of the mobile apps. However, you can edit Pages by pointing your mobile browser to Even here however you can’t upload photos. The solution is to upload photos by email. On your Facebook Page go to Edit Page/Settngs/Mobile and you’ll see an email address that you can use to upload photos as well as status updates. To add a caption to a photo add a subject line. The only downside is that Facebook groups the pics together in Mobile Uploads so you can’t create seperate named albums. An alternative method for managing Pages when mobile is to use the full version of Facebook at but even with a large screen smartphone this can be fiddly.


Are You Getting a Signal

The LinkedIn Signal page is a great place for obtaining an overview of LinkedIn activity that’s tailored to your interests. You can filter your Updates, Trending Links and Industry Top Headlines in a multitude of ways to give you a focussed view of relevant information.

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