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Share your updates with anyone on Google+

Unlike Facebook or Twitter where you can only to communicate to members of the respective networks, Google+ allows you to send updates to anyone with an email address. As well as posting to  individuals or Circles you can message a person at their email address.

Recipients of such emails can read the message they are sent and are also invited to join Google+. You can post to Circles and to email addresses simultaneously; for example, you could send a message to a Prospects Circle together with one or more email addresses.

You can also add people who aren’t on Google+ to Circles by adding their email addresses. When you post an email address to a Circle you’ll be asked if you want to email your update in the same way as if you’d shared directly to their email address.

For more tips on Google+ view my 100 Google+ tips or book onto an upcoming workshop in Cheltenham.

About Jonathan Pollinger

Enthusiastic and knowledgeable about all social networks, Jonathan helps people, business and organisations make the most of social media.

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