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How to create your own Facebook Page address (URL) - [VIDEO]

Here’s a short video where I explain how to create a web address (or user name as Facebook calls it) for your Facebook Page. If you spend a lot of time working on your Facebook Page you want to ensure that as many people as possible can find and access it. Having your own customised address has the following benefits:

  • Your own address is easier for people to remember than an address with a string of numbers
  • Your Facebook Page address can reflect your brand
  • A Facebook Page with your brand or business name included in the URL is more easily found on Facebook and by search engines
  • It looks neater when printed on business cards. leaflets, menus and other printed material

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About Jonathan Pollinger

Enthusiastic and knowledgeable about all social networks, Jonathan helps people, business and organisations make the most of social media.

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