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How to make Pinterest images that people will share

It’s important to create Pinterest images that people will share so that you can increase awareness of your brand and grow your audience. In fact, the same is true with images posted on other social networks, although in some cases they’ll be used to enhance a post or an article. On Pinterest there are no textual updates so the quality of the image is paramount - it needs to provide value through entertainment or education.

Pinstamatic screenshot - click to visit website

Pinstamatic, a free online tool, can help you produce great Pinterest images quickly and conveniently and can provide a number of alternatives to a standard photo including:

  • screenshot of a webpage
  • image displaying a quote in various styles and fonts
  • image in the style of a ‘post-it note’
  • image displaying song using album artwork
  • image displaying Twitter avatar and last tweet
  • image displaying a date in calendar style
  • map with title and description of a location
  • image with added text

The last option is flexible and very useful as any text can be overlaid onto any image.

Once your image is ready you can then pin onto your Pinterest boards with a single click. Whilst Pinstamatic is designed for use with Pinterest it’s handy for all social networks - simply upload the image to Pinterest, download from there to a temporary location then upload to Facebook or your preferred social network.

To help you use Pinterest to promote your business I run regular workshops in Cheltenham - view schedule and more info.

Are there any handy image tools that you use? Let me know in the comments below.

About Jonathan Pollinger

Enthusiastic and knowledgeable about all social networks, Jonathan helps people, business and organisations make the most of social media.

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