5 steps to obtaining sales through LinkedIn
When making an approach to a potential new client on LinkedIn it can be difficult not to come across as pushy or spammy. If you follow the process below you’ll avoid being pushy and will improve your chances of obtaining quality business via LinkedIn.
Here are five steps to obtaining sales through LinkedIn:
1) Saved searches - set up saved searches (business version only) to arrange a weekly email of potential contacts. For example, if you provide medical supplies to doctor’s surgeries you can receive a weekly email of local doctors. For instructions on how to set up a LinkedIn saved search view this #tweetthat video.
2) Focus on 2nd tier connections - by searching for 2nd tier connections you automatically have something in common with your prospect; a mutual connection. You can also use this connection to make an introduction to your prospect if you don’t have InMail - see point 5.
2) State commonalities and be brief - mentioning a shared hobby or a mutual connection sets the tone in an initial message and should create some interest to your approach. For example, if you’ve done some work for a mutual connection - see point 2 - make sure to mention it and refer to the project if relevant.  We are all very busy and an over long message might not get read at all. Make sure your initial message is no more than 150 words.
4) Talk about working together - Rather than blatant self promotion talk about ‘working together’ and make sure to state the benefits of doing so.
5) Consider InMail - one of the benefits of LinkedIn’s Business account is the facility to be able to send an email to any member of LinkedIn; and there are a 150 million of them. Your message will also be displayed on their homepage. By using LinkedIn this way you’re 30 times more likely to get a response using InMail than by a regular email.
You can find out more about using LinkedIn at my regular training sessions in Cheltenham - book now.
