How not to display your social network name
There are a number of ‘don’ts’ when it comes to the name you display on your social networks.
Facebook - On Facebook you have a generous 75 characters for the ‘Name’ field for your business or brand. Therefore, there’s no need to omit spaces between the names that make up your full name. Some brands choose to use lower case but when your brand has capitals, there’s no reason not to use them.
LinkedIn - The name field on LinkedIn is split into 2 for forename and surname. There’s a generous 20 characters for for forename and 40 characters for surname which should accommodate everyone. Given the amount of space available some users add other information like qualifications, phone numbers and even job titles. There are appropriate places for these details elsewhere on your personal profile but it’s best just to include your name only.
Twitter - There are two name fields on Twitter Username and Name and it’s the latter we’re concerned with. Many users leave their Name as their Username but there’s an opportunity to use 20 characters and spaces rather than the 15 you’re restricted to for your Username. As an individual or a business/brand you can also use capital letters. Therefore, you can display your name as it normally would be eg John Smith or Smart Shoes.