How to add multiple managers to Google+ Pages
Google+ Page can now have multiple admins, called Managers, in addition to an Owner. As Owner of a Page you can invite other Google+ users to be Managers and if required transfer ownership.
As is the case with Facebook Pages having multiple Admins or Managers is good practice whether it’s for sharing administration eg managing Circles, posting updates or for back up. For example, another Manager can step in when the main Manager is on holiday or off sick.
You can have up to 50 named managers for your Google+ Page with all managers receiving notifications. Visitors to the Page can’t see who is an owner or manager for privacy reasons.
To Add a new Manager to to Settings on the top right of your Page then select Managers (see below) then enter the email address of the Manager/s you’d like to add.
Learn more about Google+ Pages and how they can benefit your business by attending one of our regular Google+ workshops. The next Google+ Masterclass is 15 February in Cheltenham.

About Jonathan Pollinger
Jonathan has a wide range of communications and social media experience having starting his career as an Independent Financial Adviser. He has spent the past 13 years helping companies with communications, technology and more recently social media. Enthusiastic and knowledgeable about all social networks, Jonathan is a believer in community and is keen to bring people together face to face using social media. He’s involved with the organisation of a number of regular events including Digitalks Cheltenham and Cheltenham Social Media Club. View all posts by Jonathan Pollinger → This entry was posted in Social Media Tips by Jonathan Pollinger+. Bookmark the permalink.Comments