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Good And Bad Social Media

Social Media Tips


Butlers not so Buff

When your using a Facebook Tab to display a call to action to Like your Page using an arrow, it makes sense that the Tab is appropriately labelled and that the arrow points to the correct button. An example of how not to to it comes from the Butlers in the Buff Facebook Page. The tab is nicely designed with a clear instruction to ‘Like Our Page’ along with an upward facing red arrow but it’s not pointing at the Like button. A shame, as it would only take a few seconds to swap it over with the Events tab so that it was pointing directly at the Like button. The Tab is also incorrectly labelled RSS/Blog which could quickly and easily be amended to ‘Like our Page’ or similar.

Furthermore, if the Tab is selected then a blank news page is displayed when it would be more appropriate to have content about the Page along with a Like button, a ‘Like this Page to win’ competition, draw or similar.

If you need advice on how your Facebook Page can be enhanced please contact me to arrange an in-house workshop or one-to-one consultation.

About Jonathan Pollinger

Jonathan helps people, businesses and charities use Social Media.

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